
We are a faith-based pregnancy resource center where women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy find life-affirming hope, encouragement, and unconditional love for their journey in the early years of parenting.

This year marks 40 years of our ministry and we’ve watched the Holy Spirit work in wildly dramatic ways to change thousands of women’s minds away from the tragedy of abortion and into life! When you support our ministry, you’re not just “pro-life”…

you are PRO-WOMAN, PRO-FAMILY, PRO-COMMUNITY, and PRO-ABUNDANCE for those hurting among us.


“We cannot fight this fight for life alone – because as we all know, “free” to our clients is not free to us. So, we pray you give abundantly – and, that when you give, please see yourself as we see you: as our modern-day Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17:10-13) – the pillars holding up our arms and keeping them steady as we fight the good fight for life God has called us to.”

Elisha Joyce, Executive Director.


Be a Part of Something Special


Our Mission

To equip pregnant women and parents with life-affirming services that radiates the abundant love of Jesus Christ.

Client Testimonials

Care Net is about so much more than a pregnancy test and ultrasound: it’s a support system. It’s like Care Net gives you the training wheels that set you on your way to be a great parent. -Rodney

I can’t thank Care Net enough. I know it’s ultimately the parent’s decision to get an abortion or not, but just having those brief moments with their caring people made my decision [to parent my baby] so much easier. Care Net made me realize I’m never alone – and it was like the weight of the world was lifted off of me. -Juanita

Care Net is not just a building with walls and windows. Care Net is doing God’s work and so many beautiful babies come out of it! Thank you, Care Net. -Tiffany

What I love most about Care Net is how they make you feel like family. I still come to Care Net just to be around them because sometimes you still need that – and if I lost them, I feel like I’d be losing a piece of myself. -Rhonda

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